Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Free TV on the web!

Watch free streaming TV signals from all over the world using wwiTV.com. wwiTV.com is an index to streaming media available on the web.


The World According to Ballmer

I just read this BusinessWeek article. It seems that Steve Ballmer was at Stanford yesterday, talking about Google among other things. It is funny to me that this was probably around the same time Google was having their 1st annual shareholder event (check out the webcast).

Steve is an awesome individual. I met him at an Association of Internet Professionals get together years ago in Chicago. He is hard to describe but is very passionate, to say the least, about Microsoft and technology.

Personalize Google

Here is a new Beta from Google, a personalized start page that even includes a preview of your Gmail.


Here is something from the Google Blog at:

A method to our madness
5/19/2005 02:58:00 PM

Posted by Marissa Mayer, Director of Consumer Web Products, and Jessica Ewing, Product Manager

Does Google have a strategy, or are we just a bunch of mad computer scientists running around building whatever we want? Today this question gets an answer: we've launched our personalized homepage via Google Labs. It's part of a strategic initiative we refer to as 'fusion' to bring together Google functionality, and content from across the web, in useful ways.

The personalized homepage is a complement to the existing Google homepage - not a replacement. Keep using the original Google homepage if you want to. (We expect many people will.) But if you're keen to organize and customize your information, take a stab at designing your own homepage. You can add Gmail, news, stocks, weather and more. Plus you can add great content from websites like the BBC and Wired. We're incorporating feeds from just a few other sites today, but we envision being able to accept any standardized feed very soon.

Word of the Day: Hyperbolic

Of, relating to, or employing hyperbole.
Of, relating to, or having the form of a hyperbola.
Of or relating to a geometric system in which two or more lines can be drawn through any point in a plane and not intersect a given line in the plane.
Of or relating to a hyperbolic function: hyperbolic cosine.

Link (above) now includes pronunciation for those challenged with that, like me.

Here it is used in a blog:

The Complete Mac-Compatible New Yorker

The New Yorker Store is offering "every page of every issue of America's leading magazine" on fully searchable DVDs. The Complete New Yorker will include every issue of the New Yorker from February 1925 to February 2005, "providing a detailed yet panoramic history of the life of the city, the nation, and the world during the most exciting and astounding decades any society has ever known." [emphasis mine]

Wow. That last bit is a little hyperbolic isn't it? I kind of think the time of the Visigoths may have us beat, but that's just me. In any case, the New Yorker is full of such hyperbolic hubris, has been for years, and we all love it. I especially dig the cartoons. The really good news is that The Complete New Yorker will only set you back $100, is fully searchable, and is touted as being fully compatible with Mac OS 10.3 and higher.

posted by Michael at 10:31 AM

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Name: Michael Bazzoni
Location: Lake Zurich, Illinois, United States
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PreviousA hush comes over the crowd
Microsoft jumps into RSS feet first
Weird World of Podcasting
Apple Wows WWDC crowd
Next Microsoft Office file format revealed...
Apple iTunes will support Podcasting
Beep this!
A- B- and C-list bloggers
Personalize Google

Have a Wireless Router? Microsoft will find it...

I just read this on MSNBC:

Microsoft tracks WiFi for new mapping system

In a new initiative, Microsoft has dispatched cars to trawl many city and suburban streets across the U.S. to locate the signals sent out by millions of short-range home and office wireless (or WiFi) networks.

Be on the lookout for Microsoft cars in your neighborhood.

Blogger disses Apple and it's users

Blogger announced today that they have a plug-in for Microsoft Word so that you can blog using Word and save to your Blog or to your PC. The only problem is that you must have Windows 2000 or Windows XP and Word 2000 or above...no Mac version.

This seems strange to me as there has been all kinds of rumors about Google and Apple doing some sort of co-brand for the iTunes music store.

I wonder if Google is having internal issues with communication. It's either that or they are riding the fence on the Apple vs. Microsoft vs. Linux debate and figure they need to play nice with everyone for now.

UPDATE: Seems that Blogger wanted to do an Apple version but couldn't find a developer...from TUAW.com

Google free WiFi no longer a rumor

Well, it's here! Free WiFi provided by Google!

Here is a good writeup on it: http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/blog/050920-071042

Here a link to the test program:http://wifi.google.com/download.html

Here is a link to the FAQ:http://wifi.google.com/faq.html

So far it is a Beta only in San Francisco, but soon it may be in a town near you. If anyone has some actual screenshots of them using this service, I will post links to them here.

Some people said this would never happen, much like they are saying that the Google OS will never happen....we have to wait and see...